Welcome to Pre-k! 2024

 Hello everyone, we've had such a FANTASTIC start to the school year. Kudos to all you families for having the most awesome kids - we're really having a blast. In the beginning of the year we spend a lot of time slowly slowly introducing routines, rules, materials, and practicing them over and over again. All the while we're working hard to build relationships all around. 

Here are some of our highlights from the past week and a half. So far we've learned:

  • Our circle time routine, along with a couple of fun new songs. Ask your child to sing "My Poor Hand is Shaking" or our "Good Morning Dear Earth" song for you. :)
  • How to use crayons and paper, watercolor paints, and big easel paints
  • How to safely use and take care of our shovels and rakes and other small hand tools
  • Different indoor classroom centers, like blocks, dramatic play, light table, book nook, puzzles and games, and art table
And there's so much more! Enjoy these pictures that will help tell the story of our week. 

We harvested a cantaloupe from the garden on the first day of school. 

Decorating name tags while learning how to care for our art supplies

These beautiful bouquets went to the Guilford Fair last weekend. Pre-k earned a LOT of ribbons, along with a $5 cash prize for their entries!

We opened the "climbing stump" this week. 

Digging...so satisfying, so fun!

Exploring some puzzles and games in the classroom

A beautiful garage

"Buddy Time" painting

We love to encourage buddy work whenever possible. Opportunities for social interaction are everywhere!

Dress up clothes were a big hit on Wednesday. 

We had a fun scavenger hunt in the garden yesterday...

...and then made some delicious salsa!

These kiddos love art projects - watercolor paints are a big hit!

Collecting baskets are so fun! Treasures abound in Wildwood Forest...

Unloading and organizing her collection at our "Nature Museum"

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!
