Chicks, Chicks, and More Chicks

Our little gardeners have had their hands in the dirt this week. Here’s a list of some of our activities: 

  • We planted miniature gardens, and have been keeping them watered and cared-for. 
  • Last week we started a bean growing experiment, and much to the delight of the kids the seeds have germinated. (Also, lots of accurate use of the word germinated!)
  • We read Muncha, Muncha, Muncha a few times, about three hungry and cleaver rabbits who keep on breaking into Mr. McGreely’s garden. 
  • We made rabbit ears and became rabbits, hopping over to the school garden to explore. 
  • We held the chicks, again and again and again. 
  • We had a great celebration for Kristine by cooking fun foods over the fire last Friday. 

And don't forget, please join us Thursday at 5:30 for a discussion about ways to talk to your kids about race, and see the enclosed Tip Sheet from Don’t worry if you haven’t RSVP’d - we’ll have plenty of food and childcare! 

Our circle time last Friday included mindfulness with chicks - each child who wanted one got a chick to hold while we were still and took deep breaths. 

Some of the chicks wanted to wander around a bit...

...but most of them got incredibly calm, especially when their pre-k friends were calm as well.

We had a special fire for Kristine's last day, with lots of foods cooked on sticks!

hot dogs, aka "squid dogs"

bread on a stick

Strawberries dipped in fluff, roasted over the fire were the favorite!

Our new trucks are incredibly popular in the afternoons, and the class has done a fantastic job taking care of them. 

Chicks in the dollhouse?!?!

some dedicated seed sorters

friends in the woods

Our town librarian, Kathy Wiklin, comes to the woods every Monday to read to anyone interested.

We harvested radishes from our garden - this little bunny isn't too sure about the taste. 

He worked really hard to figure out how to do this!

Teamwork, dragging this big log around

We've been reading a great book called Muncha, Muncha, Muncha, and this group is having fun acting it out with Erin and Taylor.

We finished our xylophone! Ten notes! Come and play -the sound is actually really great. 
