Settling In

We had a wonderful week in Wildwood Forest, and can't believe our luck with this fall weather. A couple of reminders about upcoming events: 

*Picture day is next Friday! If you want to have your child wear something "fancy" we can help them change afterwards - just let us know. 

*All School Open House is on Wednesday Sept. 25th at 5:30pm. Come visit the classroom, enjoy the company of other families, and listen to the first band performance of the year. 

*There is a school-wide early release on Friday Sept. 27th. We know, we know, we already have early release on Fridays for pre-k, but on the 27th you get to pick your kid up extra early at 11:30. 😋

Enjoy some pictures from the week!

A little quiet reading time together 

We take a daily "expedition" to the field to and run. These climbing logs are a favorite spot to take flight!

Our play is quickly developing. As children start to form friendships we've seen many more imaginative play scenarios emerge. This is where the real heart of learning happens in early childhood!

Our art teacher Mx. Nina joined us for our first art class. They'll join us in the woods every Thursday.
Strong focus with the pencil sharpener and rainbow pencil that Mx. Nina shared. 

Melissa worked with some children to make a "fire". A highlight of my week was sitting around the "fire" on Friday, taking turns telling silly and creative stories. 

On Wednesday we introduced our "Inquiry Basket" to the class, a basket of scientific tools that can help us ask and answer questions. This kiddo is looking closely at an ant on our climbing stump.

The "Inquiry Basket" includes collecting containers so we can look closely at forest treasures, living and not living!

The excitement for all of our inquiry tools is inspiring! This group loves insects, caterpillars, cool rocks, and more. 

The Inquiry Basket includes paper and crayons so children can draw and write about their observations. This was an exciting observation!

The "raccoon footprint" is that purple chalk mark on the log. 😉

Speaking of chalk, perhaps you noticed your child covered in it on Friday at pick up? We'll just say they all had a very good time just before you all arrived. :)

Art projects abound! This group is working on some pinecone mobiles that will decorate our cubby shed. 

Working hard on a "pond" for a nearby castle. 

Our willow tunnel is so fun! This crew calls it the "Panda House" and has spent a lot of time decorating it with wildflowers. 

On Friday we harvested herbs from the school garden...

Practiced our scissor skills cutting them up, and....
worked together to make yogurt dip. Recipe is below! 

