Full days, here we are!

I bet you’ve had tired kids this week! We’ve been doing a lot on these full days of school. Specials have been a lot of fun - here are some highlights:

-A special book and watercolor painting project in art with Ms. Mangean.
-Freeze dance, hot-lava hop, and parachute in p.e. with Mr. Soren.  
-Two books and a coloring project in library with Ms. Saviano. 

In the woods the kids have made a see-saw, played a favorite game of “mouse and hawk” (ask them how to play), and picked sit-spots that they will visit every time we come to the woods. 

Next Wednesday is our whole-school open house. Instead of having the pre-k indoor classroom open, our outdoor classroom in the woods will be open. The kids will be excited to show you what they’ve been up to - I hope you all can make it!

 Watercoloring some leaves to add to our classroom tree

 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) at work!

 Teamwork on the see-saw

 Look what the fairies left us in the woods - forest putty!

 Working Hard

More watercolors

Just a casual forest drum session
