Can this be fall?

Hard to believe that we're officially into fall! With 85 degree days it's been a joy to stay cool outside in the woods. This week we've had some fun inside and outside activities. A new swinging tree was discovered in the woods, and the digging in our future fire pit has uncovered some great grubs, worms, and caterpillars. We've started a candy store at the dramatic play area inside, and kids have worked feverishly to stock the store with "candy". James's mom Retha (also one of our school bus drivers) took us on a ride down to the fire station and back - everyone did a great job following the bus rules! Hope you're all staying cool - sounds like we're in for some pleasantly cool fall weather soon.

A beautiful self-portrait

We had a great time riding the bus - complete with an enthusiastic singing of "Wheels on the Bus"

Imaginary play is rich in the woods - what do you think he is?

Some quiet fairy house building

Check out the bead trees everyone made during art class - on display in the front lobby!

The new swinging tree

Dissecting sunflowers with tweezers - what fun fine-motor practice!

A fairy pop-up book has provided some inspiration for our building.
