The Sun Keeps Shining!

We’re starting to settle into our classroom routines. Kids have really gotten the hang of using our sign up chart to pick a choice time activity, and change their name on the chart when they want to switch to a new activity. We’re working hard to clean up after we’re done with classroom materials, and are noticing when kids do a particularly great job of  cleaning up! This week we got to know our fourth grade buddies by having them read books to us. Each pre-k kiddo has a buddy who we’ll see once a week for reading, singing, games, and activities. Our outdoor play continues to nourish the group. Discoveries are made on a daily basis, from centipedes to new climbing branches, to a little “house” in the middle of a clump of four trees.
Mastering the monkey bars is hard work!

This was a favorite activity for kids this week - hold on, lean back, and...

Forest tic-tac-toe

Can you tell he's a tree?

A caterpillar in the classroom?! Real or clay?

A favorite choice activity this week was making clay with Erin.

Measure, pour, mix, then clay!

He found all the letters in his name!

Our music teacher Mr. Damon lead the class in scarf dancing.
