
 Snow! What an amazing gift for our kids, a reason to feel good about raising children in Vermont. Snow offers both opportunity and challenge to young kids. It’s difficult for little legs to walk through deep snow, but the physical growth that happens when trudging, walking on slippery surfaces, and figuring out how to move a body through a foreign substance is amazing. The imaginary play possibilities are endless - snow forts, snow people, snow kitchens! Putting on snow gear is a test of perseverance, but gives numerous opportunities for kids to practice self-care skills. We hope that YOU are enjoying the snow as much as we are!

You'll see some pre-snow pictures below. It's amazing how much the woods have changed in just a short few days. 

Don’t forget that Friday is our Winter Solstice Celebration with the fourth grade. We’ll have a light dinner of soup and cornbread (made by your children) in the cafeteria at 5:30. We’ll then have a lantern walk out to the woods to have hot chocolate, sing some songs, and eat dessert. It’s going to be cold, so DRESS WARMLY!!

We had some great fire volunteers last Friday. Homemade risotto over the fire? Yes, please.

As one father put it, the fire is prehistoric television. We definitely notice a relaxed and calm energy on our fire days. 

The cooking equipment was impressive (as was the cooking)

Happy risotto eaters!

The heavy snow on Tuesday took down our tarp. Time to start thinking about a more permanent structure...

A happy gathering

Endless play possibilities...

Snow soup

Snow blanket

Homemade plow truck

The beginnings of a snow fort

Snow hot-tub

Snow lava pit
