Week of Treasure

It’s been a week of sickness in the pre-k, with many kiddos out with various ailments. We’re doing our best to sterilize and wash hands, and appreciate you all keeping your kiddos home when they’re sick so we don’t keep spreading things around. Nonetheless, we’ve had some tired little ones under the weather this week!

Despite the sickness, we continue to have fun with our tree study. We’re making sculptures of animals that live in trees, have made some simple bird puppets, and have brainstormed different foods that come from trees. We’ve read books about trees and have been singing lots of tree songs.  

A favorite book this week is an old classic called The Tompten by Astrid Lindgren. The Tompten is a magical little old man who takes care of an old farm out in the woods. The kids were delighted on Wednesday to see that the Tompten had visited their sit spots in the woods, and left them each a present! The ice gems became a great play item, and also provided us with lots of practice sharing and taking turns.  

Finally, we’re wrapping up our kindness curriculum next week. Stay tuned for more ways to integrate the language and themes we’ve worked on at home. 

We've been doing lots of observations of our growing forsythia, including great detailed drawings

The Tompten left these amazing ice gems scattered around the woods at sit spots!

Some became treasures...

Some became soup...

Some became dinosaur eggs.

The melting snow has encouraged a whole different kind of play

Digging in the dirt is great fun

This girl found a dinosaur bone!

Why do animals live in trees? These kids have some great ideas...

A little expedition from our outdoor classroom lead to many discoveries, like deer scat!

The upturned tree is a favorite expedition destination

The woods got a makeover this week, beautifully colored with chalk

This guy discovered that even the snow could be colored!
