Snow Again, Snow Again, Jiggity Jig

Happy Valentines Day! Here are some of the fun things we’ve been up to this week:

  • We’ve been studying birds, and learning about the different birds that stay in Vermont in the winter. 
  • We built bird feeders, and played with bird seed in our sensory table. 
  • We read Those Darn Squirrels a few times, and kids have done a great job re-telling the tory and some have even built their own squirrel traps. 
  • Students worked together to make a tree for the dramatic play area of the classroom that winter birds (stuffed animals) can nest in. 
  • We read Paper Bag Princess and talked about what we would do if we were Princess Elizabeth. 
  • We’ve been doing lots of fine-motor strengthening activities, like making nests and eggs out of clay, sorting beans with one hand, and manipulating bean bags. 
  • We’ve learned some new circle time songs that involve a lot of whole body movements. Ask your child to show you our version of Hickory Dickory Dock or Shoe a Little Horsie. 

Classroom Library Update!
We have an exciting addition to our classroom library: a family shelf! Next to the classroom door there is a shelf full of books that are for families to check out. The books are about a variety of parenting related topics. There is also a copy of the Vermont Early Learning Standards that can be checked out. If you would like to take a book home let us know and we’ll show you how to check out.

On Friday the kids worked really hard to role this giant snowball into the fire pit puddle. It took a lot of teamwork and some serious engineering!

Wet woods last week

Working together to make a tree for our dramatic play center. 

Engineering a squirrel trap

When we came back to school on Monday our fire pit puddle was frozen! We decided to build a fire on the ice to see what would happen. 

After making many predictions we discovered that the fire melted some of the ice in the puddle, but not all of it. 

An invitation to build some squirrel traps

Teamwork moving this big piece of plywood

The next project: getting this metal roasting pan unstuck from the ice.

So much amazing teamwork involved in this process. Not pictured: a child jumping on the end of the lever board freeing the pan from the ice, followed by lots of cheering!

Filling up our bird feeder that now hangs outside our classroom window

Our woods with fresh snow is a magical place
