Fall is Here

It’s starting to feel like fall is here, with cool mornings out in the woods. Thanks for sending your children with warm layers, even when it looks like the weather is going to be warm. 

On Friday we started a new routine of eating snack outside, and the kids couldn’t be happier. We let them decide when they’re hungry (within about a half hour window), and they come eat as they’re ready. Eating outside means we get to spend more of our morning outside. We’ve started doing our small group time outside, and will introduce more and more tools, games, and activities in the coming weeks. 

In the classroom we’ve been playing with pattern blocks, white boards, trucks and blocks, learning how to sort compost, doing water color paintings, and having a blast at specials in the afternoon. 

We recently received a grant from 7th Generation for all new non-toxic rest mats, and are so grateful to have such high quality mats. The mats are much larger than the ones we used to have, and so we don’t have space for blankets in our mat storage shelves anymore. A solution is on the horizon, with new baskets for blanket storage ordered, but in the meantime blankets are being stored in backpack cubbies. It’s tight and not ideal, but will have to suffice until our baskets arrive.  

If you weren’t able to make it to open house but would like to sign up for any of our volunteer opportunities, I’ll leave our sign-up sheets on top of the backpack cubbies. Thank you for all of your generous support of the pre-k - we’re so lucky to have YOU FAMILIES!

Our first day in rain suits!

Headed to the woods on a rainy day. 

teamwork building a fort

We like to cook on Fridays, and last week we made herbed yogurt dip. First step: cut up the herbs. 

lots of cuts on that long chive

The class is enjoying eating snack outside in our "rain house."

We introduced chalk, and these kids got busy!

collecting materials for a nice nest

Our first butterfly hatched!

learning how to use whiteboards, and drawing pictures of the butterfly

fun at the sensory table

When we take out puzzles, games, or math and science materials we always role out a mat to work on. This helps define the space, and makes clean up a bit easier. 

the artist, covered in chalk

We try to do self portraits every month - this is our September version.

We used small mirrors to look at our skin color, eye color, and the shapes of our faces. 

a fun hideout for these puppies

Nice hat!
