Spring has Sprung?

A lot has happened since our last newsletter! Interest in beavers is still high. Thanks to the melting snow (strange as it is to have such warm weather this time of year) we have STICKS to play with again! They’ve been making their way into the beaver lodge in the woods, and the beaver weavers  are putting them to good use. Here are some other fun things from the past two weeks: 

  • We made pickles to go with sugar on snow, a special treat prepared for us by Bay’s family!
  • Ella’s dad carved steps into the large stump in the woods, and it’s now a favorite play spot. 
  • We’ve had a few windy days, which made for some fun expeditions down School Road and around our circle garden. 
  • We turned our “doctor’s office” in the classroom into a forest. The ambulance has been painted brown, and now is a wonderful animal den. We even did some large-scale tree printmaking. Check out the pictures on the blog. 
  • We re-visited the “beaver puddle” to see if the stick that was left there had been chewed by a beaver. The puddle has dried up, and the stick was washed into the attached culvert. But the kids still think that the culvert is the perfect place for a baby beaver to live!
  • We had a wonderful field trip to the Franklin Farm with our fourth grade buddies and got to see their sugaring operation, including the sugar house with impressive evaporator, and sugarbush with so many sap lines. The maple syrup we tasted was delicious!
  • We tapped our own maple tree, and used the Kelly Kettle to make sap tea. It’s amazing how much sap we can get from just one tap!

Conferences are coming up in a few weeks, so please call the front office to schedule!  And please keep sending snow pants, hats and mittens to school until you hear otherwise!

Pickles and sugar on snow make a wonderful Vermont tradition!

We had a couple of windy days last week, so spent time playing in the circle garden. 

The forsythia bushes make a fun fort.

Working on a tree print for our dramatic play center. We cut out a stencil, tacked it to the tree, and rolled over the bark with a paint roller. 

Our new art area has lead to some fun and creative projects.

Dramatic play is turning into a forest. This picture was taken before we re-painted the ambulance to create a fun animal den.

New connectors called "sticklets" help us attach small sticks together to build animal forts. 

The new steps and seat in our stump are such fun!

Getting ready for our family cook out. The rain house looks beautiful with all the lanterns!

So much sap!

This is our Kelly Kettle, filled with sap for sap tea. 

The beaver puddle dried up! Don't worry, the kids think there's room in the culvert for baby beavers to live.

Our trip to the Franklin Farm with 4th grade was such fun. 

We got to see how the evaporator works.

And we hiked through a field to see the sugar bush. 
Here's half of our group, with a good view of the farm in the background.

Working with friends to build an eagle nest. 

Gotta love the trees!

"I'm loving this day!"
