Summer Vibes

It's hard to believe that we only have two and a half more weeks of school. This is the time of year when we reflect upon our experience this year while starting to think about next year. The kindergarten and pre-k teams have been spending some time together figuring out ways to integrate our two classes next year. It will likely mean some shared circle times, meal times, and outdoor play times. Decades of research and years of experience make it very clear that children learn through play, and our pre-k and k teams are dedicated to making sure that play is a large part of their early childhood school experience. This is especially good news for ME, knowing that I'll still get to spend a bit of time with this amazing group of kiddos next year. 

We've been given the go-ahead to have an end of year gathering! Please join us on Tuesday June 8th from 4:30-6:00 for a hot dog roast in Wildwood Forest. We'll provide the hot dogs, roasting sticks and fire. You can bring a side dish if you like, or just yourselves! Siblings and grandparents welcome! Masks required when not eating. 

Enjoy some pictures from the week: 


Last Friday we ground up buckwheat seed with a grain mill and made pancakes.

There's a mystery at our school (maybe you noticed it too?) - SO MANY little fuzzy strings that came from the oak tree in our parking lot. What are they? They sure are fun to play with!

Writing a letter to a friend

Small scraps of wood are great fun to build with

A circle time activity

Can you spy Hank the pill bug? 

Some delicious cooking

We opened up a water table - perfect for a hot day. 

Working on their boats in the water table.

These kiddos are all typing on their computers 😆

Teamwork putting our table back together

A little whittling project

Painting some rhythm sticks that he had just whittled

Some close observation after going on a dandelion hunt. Ask your child what they discovered about dandelions when they looked closely. 
