Into ICE

 Happy Friday! After making some observations and paying attention to the changes in our environment, it became clear that this group of kiddos is interested in ICE. Many of our explorations, books, and conversations this week centered around ice. And what a perfect way to dive into the Vermont Early Learning Science Standard describing states of matter, and investigating the differences between liquids and solids and how they change. You'll see details in the pictures below.

Another fun change is happening in pre-k - we're staring art and gym class! Each week half the class will go to art class and half the class will go to gym class, and they'll switch the following week. Art happens on Friday, and gym on Wednesday. As you can imagine the children are VERY excited!

Farmer Sarah brought green foods on Monday. Kale pesto was a big hit!

We learned a fun new game on an expedition - ask your child how to play "Flood!"

We also played a fun tracking game - these little turkeys are hiding from a group of friends who are "tracking" them.

This crew is very interested in who has been visiting our scarecrow. We put peanuts and birdseed out, and the next day it was all gone!

Expecting some really COLD weather on Tuesday, we set up ice experiments. Children created water/paint/pipe cleaner/bead/pom pom containers and put them outside.

When we came back on Wednesday they were frozen solid! Salt, spoons, droppers and warm water helped us explore a bit more.

This eagle is still frozen into it's ice burg!

Making observations and predictions about ice experiments.

These are the first pages of our "Floor Book" - a fun way to document thinking and learning. Children share their thoughts, ideas, and drawings.

More ice interest outside

Crazy ice on the mum baskets from the fall!

The Wednesday morning cold meant snack around the fire.

Trains and blocks are a very popular morning inside activity!

Otter slide!

We had a delicious treat on Friday - Tteok Mandu Guk, a Korean dish that brings good luck if you eat it on the Korean New Year (this year on Feb 1). Thanks Jaime!
