February Fun

We made it to February, my most favorite winter month! This week we had a great time focusing on four different Black Lives Matter principals with our read alouds - hopefully you received the daily Remind updates. We also had a lot of fun playing both inside and outside. Here are a couple of updates before you check out our week in pictures below. 

We have eaten all the colors of the rainbow with Farmer Sarah! Next week we'll send home an "Eat The Rainbow" challenge sheet for your family. We know that the more fruits and veggies we eat the better, but that we should aim for "5 a Day" (that's 5 servings) at a minimum. You can use the challenge sheet to keep track of how many colorful fruits and veggies you eat each day, a wonderful way to motivate children to continue trying and eating healthy foods! 

Valentine's Day is on Monday the 14th, a day where our school will celebrate "kindness". We have a few classroom/school based activities, and will use beets to make a healthy and delicious treat. You are welcome (though certainly not obligated) to send valentines into school, but we ask that they be candy-free. Check the remind message for a list of all the students in the class. 

Here are some pictures from the week to learn more about our adventures. Stay cozy and safe today!

It was a great week for tracking! These kiddos are comparing some tracking sticks with the tracks they found in the snow. 

Who's been here?

One way we can start identifying tracks is by counting the toes.

It's always fun to find tunnels through the snow. 

This kiddo is controlling the entrance to the fort.

Special delivery! This child had fun making mailboxes and delivering blocks on his truck. 

We made rainbow crackers with Farmer Sarah: rice cake, hummus, and rainbow veggies. Yum!


While one group was at gym the other children learned a new gnome catapult game - silly and fun!

Animals above and below

Our Star of the Week invited her family in to teach us some sign language!

Each child received a print out of the signs that spell their name. We'll send them home next week!

Some see-saw fun


The Thursday snow was finally sticky enough to build with. 

A "Snowbot" complete with birdseed for hair. 

Have a great weekend!
