Spring Has Sprung

It's so nice to be back with these fun and exciting children - big thanks to Bridget and Kristine for holding down the fort while I was away at my brother's wedding! Here are a few updates from the world of pre-k: 

*We have a "Post Office" in our classrooms (inside and outside)! Children have had a great time learning about the postal service, and how to create, send and deliver mail. 

*Spring is here, and that means mud! Thank you for your patience with dirty clothing. I promise that the fun and play is well worth it. Don't forget to start TICK CHECKS!

*Did you see the incredibly compelling study that recently came out of Tennessee? It was a longitudinal study of students who participated in a highly academic public pre-k program. After following hundreds of students from pre-k through 6th grade, the authors found that by the time they were in 6th grade the students who participated in the academic pre-k program were behind in nearly all measures compared to their peers who did not participate in the pre-k program. WOW. This will hopefully have big implications for the way that we educate young children in our country, but reinforces the importance of self directed learning and PLAY in early childhood. I encourage you to read more about the study in this short NPR article

We've had a busy week - enjoy the pictures! 
Our star of the week hosted a dance party complete with paper guitars - so fun!

decorating our guitars

We worked hard to move some wood chips from the pile in the garden to our climbing stump. 

The stump is now open and ready for action!

Look at her go!

Our classroom post office has been a lot of fun. This kiddo is picking up the mail for delivery.

Our art table makes a great letter-writing center. 

On Wednesday we joined kindergarteners for a zoom puppet show all about anxiety. We learned what the word "worry" means, and talked about some strategies to use when our worry gets really big. 

Every year it's the children's favorite time - mud season!

There is SO much to do in the mud kitchen right now!

Ring around the rosie...

Writing letters for our outdoor post office. I don't have a picture of the rope and pulley we have for delivering the mail...

We love a big puddle! 

These kiddos (pre-k and kindergarteners) are trying to figure out how to pump water from the puddle into the pot. So much engineering happening!
