Halloween Fun

We've had some fun this week with pumpkins, witches, and Halloween surprises! If you don't have Halloween plans, I would highly recommend heading to Guilford Center at 5:00 for trick or treating, a parade to the playscape, and some "spooky" stories with longtime local educator Laura Lawson Tucker. It's my favorite Guilford event of the year (and is done at a reasonable time)!

This week we introduced our "peace wands", a magical tool that helps children solve social problems. When children use peace wands they take turns talking and listening to each other about their problem in a very structured way. They then brainstorm solutions to their problem and try one. Peace wands require a lot of adult support in the beginning, but eventually kids learn how to use them independently. Solving social problems is big work, !

Starting on Monday we're going begin our days inside. An inside start will give us a chance to eat our breakfast with warm fingers and have a short play time before we head outside for the rest of the morning. 

Enjoy some pictures from the week!

We had a wet start to the week, but that didn't slow these kiddos down.

Some fun in our sand table.

After reading Two Eyes, A Nose and a Mouth we worked on October self portraits, paying close attention to our facial features. 

This kiddo worked for a long time to create the perfect consistency for his mud.

We had some fun melting wax with our Kelly Kettle and dipping colorful leaves. 

We strung the leaves with twine and beads and decorated the forest!

The sun later this week made for some magical forest play time. 

Kim helps a small group practice turn taking in the autumn sun. 

Mud is the best accompaniment to imaginative play.

Buddies in a special spot

Farmer Amy joined us on Wednesday for some baking - delicious pumpkin bread!

Woodland creatures took over the forest for our Halloween celebration on Friday!

More pictures next week of cupcake decorating and more Halloween fun. Have a wonderful weekend!
