Happy Solstice!

What a full two weeks we've had! Snow, fires, sickness all around, celebrations, and lots and lots of vacation excitement. Here are many pictures that will tell the story of our projects, work and play. 

*But first, an important update about meal ordering: Starting January 3 lunch ordering will be done on a daily basis. That means we'll ask you (or your child, if they take the bus) what you want to order for lunch each morning when you arrive. Breakfasts will be ordered ahead of time, and we're simply using orders from the last month - you can let me know after the break if you want to make any changes. 

Have a peaceful and restful vacation everyone!

Real snow means sledding fun!

We love to end our day with sledding on the back playground.

Such joy!

We had some wonderful "building" snow - nice and sticky.

It takes a lot of teamwork to make a snow person!

This kiddo built a replica of the school. Can you tell where the front door is? And the gym?

A miniature Eiffel Tower

Lots of pet stores in the block area as well. 

Two weeks ago we cooked tortillas over the fire. These kiddos are doing the prep work inside.

Tortillas are good, but one of the more popular outdoor foods right now is snow ;)

We spent a lot of time these past two weeks preparing for our Solstice Celebration. Mr. Castle helps a kiddo paper-mache around a balloon to make a lantern. 

Our ice decorations were beautiful but ephemeral - they melted pretty quickly!

One way we're celebrating the light and darkness of this time of year is through shadow puppet play.

Our puppet theater has been a popular indoor choice. Kiddos enjoy making shadow puppets and putting on shows for each other.  

Lanterns complete, now time to practice our parade!

It was so magical to be in the forest at night with you all - thank you for making the evening so special!

This kiddo is learning how to whittle a stick. We used the sticks for another cooking project this week...

...bread on a stick!

We mixed up the dough inside.

And luckily we had some wonderful parent help for this tricky project!

But boy was it delicious. 

Our solstice spiral on the playground. 

And to go with our theme of light and dark and seasonal celebrations, we had a wonderful visitor come teach us about Hannukah on Thursday. We heard a story, sang songs, and even learned how to play dreidel. 

Spin that dreidel!

Enjoy your vacation everyone - we'll see you again on Tuesday January 3rd.
