
 We quickly and easily got back into the swing of things, this first week back from April break. And what a fun week to discover the changes of spring. We found some frog eggs in a nearby vernal pool and brought some back to the classroom for observation. So exciting! And then, a wonderfully thoughtful robin built her nest in an easy to view location in our cubby shed. The careful observations have been so calming and centering for the class. 

Here are a couple of important updates: 

*This coming Wednesday at 1:00 is our Teddy Bear Tea! This is an opportunity for children ages birth - 5 to connect with their local school. We'll have a story, a snack and a craft out in Wildwood Forest. Feel free to stay after pick up on Wednesday!

*Wednesday June 7th is incoming student day, which means that there is no school for pre-k kiddos. 

*It's getting buggy out in the forest! We can't put bug spray or sunscreen on your child unless YOU provide the goods. If you're not sure if you sent some in this fall just ask!

Enjoy some pictures from this fun week: 

A Monday expedition to the vernal pool was very fruitful. 

Frog eggs!

Back in the classroom it only took a couple of days for them to ask. Ask you kiddo about our tadpoles!

On Wednesday we discovered some more eggs. Can you see the robin on her nest??

We've watched closely as she lays her eggs, one a day. There are many predictions about how many eggs she'll lay in all. 

These two are drawing their robin observations in their nature journals. 

Looking closely at that robin

A nice spring scene - painting and woodworking.

Our read-alouds this week have been all about fairies, and that has led to some great inspiration for building fairy houses.

We collected natural materials, learned a couple of strategies, and have enjoyed thinking about small world creations. 

Outdoor art

Theo's grandmother came to plant sunflower seeds with us on Wednesday. So fun!

Our woodworking table has been busy as we work hard to make our own rhythm sticks. There are so many steps! Cut the sticks, whittle the bark away, and next we'll decorate. 

Whittling her rhythm sticks

The wet weather has led to some great puddles in the field. 

This crew is doing some engineering, figuring out how to use a water pump and pipes to move water from one place to another. 

Great mud!

Concentration at the fairy house

More fun puddle time
