Singing Into May

We made it through a wet wet week in great spirits. Thanks to the Day in the Dirt work party last weekend we have a new water pump in our field, and the play possibilities have really blossomed. 

Our big project this week has been song writing. There are a few children in the class who are very excited about writing songs, so we're using their enthusiasm to begin a new little study of songs and music. We created song books at the beginning of the week, and students have been adding their lyrics. Next week we're going to have some area musicians come to visit to help put the lyrics to music. We'll be sure to share the end results!

It's the time of year when we start thinking about building independence for kindergarten! One way we do this is with the morning routine. If you'd like, you can feel free to drop your child off at the classroom door, or the door to the school, and let them complete their morning routine by themselves. We of course love to see you families, so please don't feel as though we're pushing you out! But you can also support your child's independence by letting them take on more of the morning routine themselves.

Upcoming Important Dates: 

*Wednesday May 31: all school spring art show from 5:30-6:15. We'll have art displays up in the classroom and around the school, and would like to invite families to hear some of our pre-k songs around 6:00. 

*Wednesday June 7th: NO SCHOOL, visiting day for incoming pre-k families

*Friday June 9th: Field Day, call the office if you'd like to volunteer!

*Friday June 16th, last day of school

Enjoy some pictures from the week!

Our robin's nest has 3 eggs! We're counting the days until they hatch.

We were inspired by our robin to make some "nest art"

3rd Grade reading buddies are a highlight of the week!

Some quiet "sit spot" time, just before story time most days. 

Dress up clothes are still so much fun!

This week we painted paper towel rolls and turned them into kazoos! You can imagine the symphony in the forest...

Our new water pump! It takes a lot of strength to get that water to flow. 

We're so happy to be finding springtime animals. They're everywhere!

Our puddles are incredible. These two are trying to find a way across...

We got a big load of pea stone and have been working to spread it inside the rain house. These kiddos love a real-life project, and haven't shied away from shoveling heavy stone!
