Little Mouse, Little Mouse

 We've had a great two weeks, and can't believe that it's October and the weather is still so beautiful. Your children continue to grow accustomed to our pre-k routines, and beautiful friendships are starting to blossom. 

A couple of upcoming dates to be aware of:

*October 14, 15, 16 - No School (Indigenous People's Day, then teacher in-service)

*October 16 - Family literacy night! Join us at Brattleboro Early Childhood Center (112 Canal St.) from 4:00-5:00 pm for literacy activities, snacks, and a free book!

Also, if you're out buying pumpkins for Halloween and want to pick up an extra for pre-k we would be so appreciative! It's almost time to start our annual "Pumpkin Factory."

We'll let these pictures do the rest of the talking...

Some creatures had an acorn party in the woods last weekend! We had a lot of fun trying to figure out who...

One way that we capture student thinking is through a "Floor Book" model. Floor books are basically large pieces of paper that students write, draw, and dictate ideas onto. They give a great snapshot of student understanding and help us teachers figure out where to go next with our curriculum. This floor book we started focused on things we know about apples and apple orchards. 

We found a fuzzy cocoon, and these little scientists made a TON of great observations. 

Hurray for cooking projects! On Monday we cut up apples for applesauce...

On Tuesday we cooked the apples and milled them in our food mill.

On Wednesday we peeled and cored apples with a fancy tool, and dried them for apple rings.

And on Friday we went to the garden with Farmer Sarah and made kale chips!

Fun multi media leaf collage

This little explorer found chalk mark on a stump. She said "I think an animal stepped on some chalk and made a footprint!" Here she is, trying to figure out who it could have been. 

Our Kindness Curriculum work focused on emotion recognition this week. Here we are, practicing before a game of "emotions charades". Try playing at home during dinner or another free moment. Researchers talk about emotion recognition as the foundation skill for developing empathy. 

A special delivery of gravel to the field pavilion is a pre-k dream. We now have a construction site!!

We were VERY surprised on Friday morning to find Rebecca the mouse in our trash can!

We put her in our terrarium and did a little research. We learned that she likes to eat seeds and nuts and berries, so we fed her and gave her water and made a LOT of great observations. 

And then we BECAME mice!

Unfortunately Rebecca escaped the terrarium while we were making kale chips in the garden, but her inspiration lives on...

Have a great weekend everyone!
